Urban Volcano

Fiction by Börkur Sigurbjörnsson

Flash fiction

Purpose of fiction

Purpose of fiction — Illustration by Börkur Sigurbjörnsson
Illustration by Börkur Sigurbjörnsson

“I have completely stopped reading works of fiction,” said my colleague as the conversation moved on to the topic of reading. “I mean. What is the purpose?”

I contemplated if I should express my view that it was indeed the lack of purpose that made works of fiction so interesting and enjoyable. In the end I decided to just nod my head and smile. It was much more interesting to debate the topic with myself in my mind rather than trying to sow creative seeds in the infertile mind of my über-rational colleague.

Börkur is an avid storyteller with a keen eye for quirky characters, funny dialogs and vivid scenario descriptions. Much of his writing falls within the genre of realistic fiction and his stories are more often than not based on real events in the author’s life. Although the tales contain grains of truth, they are melded with fiction, making the reader curious to know the line between reality and fantasy.